Digital Matters is hosting a Gale Digital Scholar Lab training on Thursday, November 7 from 10 am -12 pm in Protospace. Digital Scholar Lab allows users to create content sets using Gale database content and then analyze those content sets with various out-of-the-box DH tools for text...
“Documenting the Now responds to the public's use of social media for chronicling historically significant events as well as demand from scholars, students, and archivists, among others, seeking a user-friendly means of collecting and preserving this type of digital content. Documenting the Now has a...
In this talk, Prof. Moeller argues that the ethos, identity, or the “dwelling places” of the “hardcore gamer” were created and maintained by the computer game industry in order to sell mass quantities of games to a relatively affluent consumer base with leisure time on...
Please join us on December 9th in Digital Matters to hear our Fall 2019 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees share about their DM projects. Maria Alberto, DM Graduate Fellow, PhD student in the Dept. of English, "Bots: Authorial Implications in Digital Narratives" Bots have social...
Starting Fall 2019 semester, Digital Matters has open lab hours on Fridays (9am-6pm). Every Friday this semester, Digital Matters staff will be available for group collaboration and helping with individual projects. DM staff will have no meetings scheduled on Fridays and are looking forward to...
In this workshop, we’ll learn to use Leaflet, “the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps,” to visualize basic digital maps. “Leaflet is designed with simplicity, performance, and usability in mind. It works efficiently across all major desktop and mobile platforms, can be extended with lots of plugins,...
Social media makes public discourse more like a game. Is that a good or a bad thing? C. Thi Nguyen argues that games are good precisely because they let us transform our motivations and values for a moment — offering us clear, simple, quantified targets...
Voice user interfaces, smart speakers, and digital voice assistants have quickly risen to prominence in the contemporary media ecology. While critiques of these technologies have centered on their erosion of privacy and reification of the surveillance society, the uncanniness of these disembodied voices also evokes...
The workshop will begin with a brief introduction to the Early Caribbean Digital Archive (ECDA)—an open-access, free, interactive scholarly database housed at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts under the auspices of the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks. The ECDA has two primary related, overarching...