Digging Through History’s Dumpster: The Woman’s Exponent Advertising Database (Dr. Jeremy Browne, Prof. of Digital Humanities at Brigham Young University)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

In 2019 the Marriott Library worked with BYU's Lee Library to re-digitize a complete archive of Woman's Exponent, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City from 1872-1914. While the work to transcribe the complete text is ongoing, every advertisement from the paper was transcribed, cataloged,...

New Media Studies Reading Group

The Fall 2021 New Media Studies Reading Group will meet on Thursday, October 28, 1-2PM, in the Digital Matters space, suite 2751 on the second floor of the Marriott Library, as well as offering Zoom participation. We will be discussing Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures...

Workshop – Using Artificial Intelligence Tools for Creativity (Trevor Smith)

In this workshop, Trevor will showcase and explain various creative Artificial Intelligence software, with particular emphasis on how this software can assist in personal creative endeavors including music composition, 3d modeling, digital artwork, narrative writing, and more. This workshop will also include a brief instruction...

Why Learn Text Analysis? Text and Data Mining with Constellate (Dr. Nathan Kelber, Community Engagement Lead, JSTOR Labs; Director, Tap Institute)

In this workshop, Dr. Kelber, an international expert in text analysis education, will give a high-level overview of how text analysis helps researchers discover new insights in the digital humanities and data science. Participants will discover text analysis learning resources including: Constellate, a new teaching...

Research Talks – Fall 2021 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees Projects

Join in person in Digital Matters, Rm 2751 Marriott Library, or through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting https://utah.zoom.us/j/96055650906 Meeting ID: 960 5565 0906 Passcode: 294094 David Onwukeme, Digital Matters Undergraduate Intern Undergraduate in Multi-Disciplinary Design, “Possibilities of An Autonomous Sanctuary” This project investigates the Land Bridge...