Oct 10, 2017 Workshop: Data Visualization for the Humanities (UPDATED)
UPDATE II: Resources for the workshop have been appended below.
UPDATE: Please download and install Tableau Public before the workshop begins. You can find the program here: http://public.tableau.com.
Workshop: Data Visualization for the Humanities
Date & Time: Tuesday, Oct. 24th, 2:30PM-4PM
Location: Digital Matters (second floor of the Marriott Library in the Art and Architecture Library)
This 90-minute workshop will introduce basic data visualization methods and data procurement/wrangling to humanities scholars interested in exploring maps, tables, graphs, scatter plots, and more. We will learn how and where to gather humanities data, best methods for structuring data, and several data visualization iterations.
There are no technical prerequisites other than a laptop and with at least 250MB of space free on the hard drive.
Please contact David Roh at david.roh@utah.edu or Rebekah Cummings at Rebekah.cummings@utah.edu with any questions.
Workshop Resources
Tableau Public (Windows/MAC)
API (data connector for Tableau Public)
Twitter: http://files.tableaujunkie.com/twittersearch/twitterwebconnect.html
Facebook: http://files.tableaujunkie.com/facebooksearch/userfeedwebconnect.html
Further References/Tutorials
Batch Geo: http://geoservices.tamu.edu/Services/Geocode/
Tableau Junkie: http://tableaujunkie.com/
Tutorials: https://www.tableau.com/learn/training
My Visualizations: https://public.tableau.com/profile/david.r3893#!/
Odds, Graham. “The Science Behind Data Visualization” (2013)
Bresciani, Sabrinia and Martin J Eppler, “The Risks of Visualization: A Classification of Disadvantages Associated with Graphic Representations of Information” [PDF] (2008)