PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Fall 2020 Graduate Fellowship at Digital Matters in the Marriott Library. This fellowship provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, and Architecture+Planning an opportunity to work on a research project in Digital...

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Fall 2020 Faculty Grant Program. This provides research funding to Tenure-line and Career-line faculty in the Humanities, Fine Arts, Architecture + Planning, and Marriott Library working in Digital Studies, broadly defined, which challenge...

Maria Alberto is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of English at the University of Utah, where she is pursuing research interests in the digital humanities, adaptation, and genre, popular culture, queer theory, and fan studies. Maria is especially interested in the ways in...

Jonathan Mills is an Assistant Professor and the Social Impact Coordinator in the Multi-disciplinary Design Program at the University of Utah. With a primary focus on design research methods and projects, his studio courses focus on understanding complex ecosystems and identifying strategies for design intervention.   Briefly...

Anna Neatrour is the digital initiatives librarian at the University of Utah Marriott Library, where she manages descriptive metadata workflows, the digital exhibits program, and supports emerging technology projects. Her research interests include name authority control in digital libraries, collaborative digitization, the intersection of digital...