Workshop – Expecto Datum: How to Analyze Harry Potter Using Digital Humanities Methodologies (Max Schleicher, DM Fall 2020 Graduate Fellow, PhD student in Dept. of English)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

In this beginners’ workshop, we’ll be applying distant reading techniques to the seven Harry Potter novels. Distant reading allows us to turn the seven texts into data and analyze the words, styles, and other features of the Harry Potter series. Resources from workshop

Research Talks – Fall 2020 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees Projects

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Please join Digital Matters on November 30th via Zoom to hear our Fall 2020 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees share about their DM projects. John Flynn, DM / American West Center Graduate Fellow, PhD Candidate in Dept. of History, "Native Scholars Clearinghouse" Native Peoples of...

Workshop – Storytelling through Maps: Data Visualizations and GIS (John Flynn, Digital Matters / American West Center Graduate Fellow, Fall 2020 – Spring 2021, PhD student in Dept. of History)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

What stories can a map tell us? When we plug data into a map, we can see information in a whole new way. This workshop will discuss the numerous possibilities to visualize data through GIS. With ArcGIS Online, you can create point maps and heat...

Prof. Julia Flanders Graduate Student Meet & Greet

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Graduate students, please join Prof. Julia Flanders for an informal discussion about her work as the Northeastern Digital Scholarship Group Director, Director of the Women Writers Project, and editor-in-chief of Digital Humanities Quarterly.  Please come prepared with questions about digital scholarship, text and coding, and the Women...

Lecture – Digital, Archival, Literary: Evolving Models for Digital Scholarship (Julia Flanders, Prof. of Practice in English and Director of the Digital Scholarship Group at Northeastern University Library), Co-Sponsored with BYU Office of Digital Humanities

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

This presentation will consider our evolving conceptions of “digital text”, through the lens of the 30-year history of the Women Writers Project. The shifting tensions between information and artifactuality have produced changes in both theory and practice for editors, readers, and tool designers. We’ll look not only...

New Media Studies Reading Group

Digital Matters is meeting to discuss Automating Inequality:  How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor by Virginia Eubanks.  

New Media Studies Reading Group

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Digital Matters is meeting to discuss Automating Inequality:  How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor by Virginia Eubanks.

Workshop – StoryMapping Ourselves: Peopling Place and Poetry Using ArcGIS (Daniel Uncapher, DM Spring 2021 Graduate Fellow, PhD student in Creative Writing)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Mapping Utah is a personal mapping, a map of people. “StoryMapping Ourselves: Peopling Place and Poetry Using ArcGIS” will provide an introductory demonstration of ArcGIS “StoryMaps” technology in the context of mapping observed environmental surface damage in the state of Utah, followed by a short...

Lecture – Machine Learning in Humanities and Social Science Research: A Case Study of Content Coding Toxicity in Online Comments (Yomna Elsayed, ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities & Communication)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

This presentation will present a case study on the use of machine learning to code humanities and social science data. It will discuss the opportunities as well the drawbacks and constraints that come with the use of AI and other computational methods in social science and humanities...

Research Talks – Spring 2021 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees Projects

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

John Flynn, DM / American West Center Graduate Fellow, PhD Candidate in Dept. of History, "Native Places: An Indigenous Atlas of Utah and the Intermountain West" Native Places is a spatial humanities project from the American West Center. It consists of an interactive, layered map...