[Postponed] Lecture – Back to Indigenous Futures with Indigenous Pacific Islands Seafaring Technology, Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Seas and Skies, and Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Computer Engineering and Design (Vicente M. Diaz, American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

POSTPONED - Question: What can Indigenous Technology (IT) and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) involving Pacific Islander Seafaring capabilities/relationalities and computer engineered interactive, visual, and immersive technologies do with and for each other when they are purposefully juxtaposed and deliberately designed to advance indigenous, social, environmental...

Research Talks – Spring 2020 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees Projects

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Please join Digital Matters on September 1st via Zoom to hear our Spring 2020 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees share about their DM projects. Jeff Turner, DM / American West Center Graduate Fellow, PhD Candidate in Dept. of History, "Native Places Atlas Project: Mapping Native...

New Media Studies Reading Group

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Digital Matters is meeting with Environmental Humanities to discuss The News at the Ends of the Earth:  The Print Culture of Polar Exploration by Hester Blum.

Workshop – Digital to Physical: Using GIS Technology to Create 3D Topographic Models (Justin Sorensen, Creativity & Innovation Services, GIS Services)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

What do you get when you combine the power of GIS (Geographic Information Systems), 3D modeling, and 3D printing? That’s just what you will discover in this workshop presented through Digital Matters. Justin Sorensen (GIS Specialist at the J. Willard Marriott Library) will demonstrate an...

New Media Studies Reading Group

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

The New Media Studies Reading Group will meet on Oct. 19th from 1-2 pm to discuss the book, Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code by Ruha Benjamin. If you are going to participate in the reading group and would like a complimentary copy of...

Workshop – Expecto Datum: How to Analyze Harry Potter Using Digital Humanities Methodologies (Max Schleicher, DM Fall 2020 Graduate Fellow, PhD student in Dept. of English)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

In this beginners’ workshop, we’ll be applying distant reading techniques to the seven Harry Potter novels. Distant reading allows us to turn the seven texts into data and analyze the words, styles, and other features of the Harry Potter series. Resources from workshop https://youtu.be/ACC3ugPyLoc

Research Talks – Fall 2020 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees Projects

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Please join Digital Matters on November 30th via Zoom to hear our Fall 2020 Graduate Fellows and Faculty Grantees share about their DM projects. John Flynn, DM / American West Center Graduate Fellow, PhD Candidate in Dept. of History, "Native Scholars Clearinghouse" Native Peoples of...

Workshop – Storytelling through Maps: Data Visualizations and GIS (John Flynn, Digital Matters / American West Center Graduate Fellow, Fall 2020 – Spring 2021, PhD student in Dept. of History)

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

What stories can a map tell us? When we plug data into a map, we can see information in a whole new way. This workshop will discuss the numerous possibilities to visualize data through GIS. With ArcGIS Online, you can create point maps and heat...

Prof. Julia Flanders Graduate Student Meet & Greet

Digital Matters MLIB 2751, Salt Lake City, UT

Graduate students, please join Prof. Julia Flanders for an informal discussion about her work as the Northeastern Digital Scholarship Group Director, Director of the Women Writers Project, and editor-in-chief of Digital Humanities Quarterly.  Please come prepared with questions about digital scholarship, text and coding, and the Women...