Aug 24, 2020 Call for Applications: Digital Matters Exhibition/Performance Graduate Grant, Spring 2021
Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the 2020-21 Exhibition/Performance Graduate Grant.
This grant provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, and Architecture+Planning an opportunity to work on a project in Digital Studies, broadly defined, which challenge and extend their respective fields. The goal of the program is to support and encourage researchers and creators in pushing the boundaries of their respective fields with and through digital methods, pedagogy, tools, and methodologies. Funded work must culminate in an exhibition or performance of in-progress or completed work – or an appropriate representation of the work – in Digital Matters in Spring 2021.
Grantees will receive:
- $2,500 creative grant.
- A dynamic and diverse digital scholarship community to advise, collaborate, or otherwise help with their project.
- An opportunity to showcase your work in Digital Matters.
- Applicants must be enrolled full time and in good standing in a graduate program in the Humanities, Fine Arts, or Architecture+Planning at the University of Utah.
- No previous experience in digital scholarship/creativity is necessary, but applicants should demonstrate interest in OR prior engagement with digital scholarship/creativity, broadly conceived.
- Grantees will have the opportunity to share their work in multiple venues:
- Digital Matters will host a performance or exhibition at the end of the semester, where they can receive feedback on their project from faculty and students across multiple disciplines.
- A blog post for the Digital Matters website about the work completed.
- Grantees are encouraged to make the work completed open access where possible and appropriate.
- There is no residency requirement for the Exhibition/Performance Grant.
Applicants are asked to submit a portfolio that includes:
- Two-page cover letter explaining your project and qualifications. Your cover letter should include a project title, work plan, and timeline. Please also describe how your project fits into and contributes to your current scholarship. Although not required, applications related to our theme, sustainability, will receive strongest consideration. For more information, please follow the link to our statement on our theme.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Budget
Submit applications by emailing them as PDF attachments to Marisa Snyder, Program Assistant, at marisa.snyder@utah.edu.
Applications for residency in Spring Semester 2021, must be submitted October 1st, 2020. Applicants will be notified of their status by November 1st, 2020.
Please feel free to contact David Roh (david.roh@utah.edu) or Rebekah Cummings (rebekah.cummings@utah.edu), if you have questions or if you’d like to work through your idea before submitting an application.