Nov 27, 2018 Digital Matters Workshop – Data Management for the Arts and Humanities
Digital Matters Workshop – Data Management for the Arts and Humanities
“Data? I don’t have data” is a common refrain for researchers working in the arts and humanities. Yet whether or not you consider yourself a “digital humanist,” the reality is that most of us are working digitally now, and there are different techniques for managing digital research assets than physical ones. This workshop explores how scholars of all stripes can add value to their research by making the products of their work more organized, transparent, usable, and ethical. In addition to instruction in best practices for managing research assets, participants of this workshop will create a short “data management plan,” excellent practice for fulfilling the NEA, NEH, and IMLS data management plan grant requirement!
What: Data Management for the Arts and Humanities, led by Rebekah Cummings, Digital Matters Librarian
Where: Digital Matters Pop-Up Space (old Reserves Space)
When: Monday, December 10, 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Hope to see you there!